Release Announcement: Benetech Service Net upgrade

[Welcome back to the blog, Benetech! This post is from KP Naidu, VP of Benetech Labs, with an update on their Service Net.]

Here in Benetech’s home of the San Francisco Bay Area, our communities are facing compounding crises: the pandemic, economic crisis, and most recently out of control wildfires forcing thousands of evacuations and causing a new airborne health crisis. This chaos has not only created a more pressing need than ever for human services that can help people stay healthy and secure, but it has also caused major turmoil among service providers.

The result has been an intensification of challenges that were already hard enough – such as just keeping track of what services are available, and when. This information is now changing even more rapidly given the challenges of providing services while social distancing – and given constrictions in funding of various kinds. Community resource referral providers report that their legacy systems aren’t able to keep up with these rapid changes – and many resorted to using Google Docs to keep track of information about services.

These challenges make collaboration more important than ever. That’s why I’m excited to announce the next iteration of Benetech Service Net.

At Benetech, we specialize in developing open source software that helps people collaborate in working for social good. Through Service Net, we’ve taken on the resource data collaboration challenge: how can we make it easier for many organizations to share information about the resources available to people in need?

Service Net is designed to help referral providers and service providers – along with funders, government, and even end users – share information about resources with each other. Our platform algorithmically matches records from one resource database to other sources of information about the same services, and then it presents the matching results for editing and verification.

By enabling previously-siloed resource databases to “talk” to each other in this way, we can help improve the quality of available information about the safety net – which will, in various ways, strengthen our safety net as a whole – while decreasing the collective costs of time and resources that are currently spent struggling to maintain such information in duplicative silos.

Screen view of search and filter of community resources in Service Net.

We built Service Net through a pilot partnership with referral providers from across the Bay Area, including United Way Bay Area, Eden I&R, Shelter Tech, Health Leads, Legal Aid Association of California and San Mateo County SSA. Through dialogue among these peer institutions, we developed collaborative data sharing agreements – and then began comparing data in their respective databases. The results were fascinating and valuable: 75% of the records distributed among our partners overlapped – and 25% of the records for any one source were totally unique to that database. This indicates that a lot of time could be saved, and a lot of valuable data could be shared, if these organizations had better tools to collaborate.

Comparison of records in Service Net.

Comparison of records in Service Net.
A view of Service Net’s record comparison system

In our pilot project, we built tools that enable resource directory maintainers to compare records, identify conflicting information, share updates, and keep track of verification processes. This system allows referral providers to mutually benefit from each others’ time and expertise, while keeping their own systems and maintaining agency over their own content.

We are now initiating new phases in Service Net’s development, building on the successes we found in the pilot.

An individual record view in Service Net.
An official record of an organization in Service Net’s Service Registry.

Introducing Service Registers

One of the most important new features is the ability for service providers to update their own information in Service Net, creating records of their services, locations, capacity and availability — which can be matched with other referral providers’ records. This functionality can also be used by governments, funders, and other network authorities to establish official ‘service registers’ — i.e. trustworthy lists of the various services that they commission, available as open data infrastructure for any third party to use.

By hosting such registers, Service Net can serve as a ‘single source of truth’ — providing both direct public access to this information and also bulk open data access for other information systems.

This can benefit service providers who currently are asked over and over again to update their information in many different directories, and now can focus on maintaining this one public record. It can also benefit referral providers, who can access trustworthy data directly from the source (and who have an official channel for seeking clarification if they find incorrect or incomplete information).

Last but not least, such a service register can greatly benefit the commissioning authority – a philanthropy, government, or network agency like a food bank — by not only establishing a standardized set of data about the services in their remit, but also by enabling open data infrastructure to collect data about the use of this data, and to facilitate more sophisticated forms of analysis and data-driven decision-making.

Looking ahead: Taxonomy Management and API integration

What’s next on the Service Net Roadmap? We’ve identified a number of useful features to build out for future releases.

For example, our partners clearly want to have the kind of seamless integration that could enable them to be notified of updates to records within their existing systems – so we’ve developed specifications for API protocols that could enable bi-directional push and pull of resource data updates without having to log into a separate system.

We’ve also identified taxonomy management as an important issue for our users: users want the ability to maintain custom taxonomies. With some further development, we can develop tooling to facilitate the “mapping” of multiple taxonomies to each other, so that different categorical vocabularies can not only be associated with the same records, but also with each other.

All of this development progress is made through partnerships with community-based stakeholders who are already working on these problems. So we are inviting you to get involved! Interested stakeholders in the Bay Area can join our local Service Net network. People interested in the technology can check out our open source repository on Github. And if you’re interested in potentially deploying Service Net in your community, please reach out directly to me.


3 responses to “Release Announcement: Benetech Service Net upgrade”

  1. Outstanding progress. I especially welcome this notion: Service Net can serve as a ‘single source of truth’. Much needed in these complicated times.

  2. Robert Martinengo Avatar
    Robert Martinengo

    Benetech says they “transitioned the Service Net project to advisor Greg Bloom, of the Open Referral Initiative and their fiscal sponsor, Aspiration in 2021.” What happened?

  3. Greg Bloom Avatar
    Greg Bloom

    Benetech piloted the Service Net project with the support of Open Referral’s leadership, and we were excited to see this pilot demonstrate significant gains in technical viability of cross-platform resource data exchange – while also learning a lot about the challenges and opportunities for collaboration among resource directory information stewards. At the conclusion of the pilot project, in 2021, Benetech transferred all assets associated with the Service Net project – including brand, code, and design materials – to the stewardship of the Open Referral initiative (under the fiscal sponsorship of Aspiration). These materials are now accessible in our Github repository [], and we look forward to new opportunities to develop Service Net as scalable resource data management infrastructure for human service referral providers. Any inquiries about Service Net can be directed to [email protected]

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