Month: March 2015

  • Open Referral all over: hacks at Code Across and Open Data Day

    Open Referral all over: hacks at Code Across and Open Data Day

    Last month, during International Open Data Day — which coincided with Code for America’s CodeAcross activities throughout the weekend of February 20-22nd — hundreds of civic hacking events around the world brought together community leaders, technologists, planners, government officials, and more. Participants identified common challenges and worked together to envision, design, and even prototype new…

  • Deep Dive into version 1.0

    Deep Dive into version 1.0

    Earlier this month, we published version 1.0 of the Human Service Data Specification (HSDS). Let’s take a deeper dive into it. What is the Human Service Data Specification (HSDS)? The HSDS is a format for data exchange, specifically designed to enable the publication of machine-readable data about health, human, and social services that are available…

  • Introducing Version 1.0 of the Human Service Data Specification

    Introducing Version 1.0 of the Human Service Data Specification

    We’re pleased to announce the release of version 1.0 of the Human Services Data Specification (HSDS, also known as the Open Referral format). Read the specification here: Google Docs and Github. The purpose of HSDS is to make it easy for community resource directory data to be exchanged among different kinds of information systems, in order to make information…