Month: November 2016

  • Welcoming Benetech to Open Referral!

    Welcoming Benetech to Open Referral!

    We’re pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Benetech, one of the world’s leading non-profit software development organizations. Benetech was formed in 1989 and in the time since has developed a series of products that have improved lives and transformed industries around the world — starting with Bookshare (the world’s largest online library of…

  • Leveling up: documentation improvements and spec upgrade

    Leveling up: documentation improvements and spec upgrade

    Last year, Open Referral introduced Version 1.0 of the Human Services Data Specification — an open data exchange format designed to make it easier for different organizations to share standardized information about the health, human, and social services available to people in need. Since then, a broad range of organizations have used the HSDS to…