Talking Open Referral at Stanford’s Data on Purpose

Last month I visited Stanford to speak at the 2017 Data on Purpose conference, sponsored by Stanford’s Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, the Stanford Social Innovation Review and Digital Impact (née Markets for Good).

Much of the story I told will be familiar to folks who are already familiar with Open Referral but this may be the first time I’ve managed to give a proper tour through the wickedness of this problem, and the principles that guide our search for solutions, all in just about twelve minutes. So give it a watch! (My talk starts at 14m40s.)

From Possibilities To Responsibilities: Unlocking Data and Unleashing Its Potential (Jake Porway et al) from Stanford PACS.

Elsewhere in that video are talks from Jake Porway of DataKind, John Wilbanks of Sage Bionetworks (their Chief Commons Officer awesome title!), and ST Mayer of Code for America.

Our panel at the end (right around the one-hour mark) got real heavy real fast, yet I think it played out with a potent mix of insights. It was really a privilege to share the stage with such a great group.

You can read my text of the talk here, and check out the slides here.

And stay tuned for updates about the Open Referral project sponsored by Stanford’s Digital Impact program.


One response to “Talking Open Referral at Stanford’s Data on Purpose”

  1. Thank you for your contributions in service to improving our way of life.

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