Final ‘Request for Comment’ period before version 1.0

[Update: Embedded video/notes from Assembly discussions on 12/5.] We’ve just posted version 0.8 of the Human Service Data Specification. Check it out here.

See an example CSV package here, and SQL examples here.

Second Thought designed by Benjamin H. Byron from the
Second Thought designed by Benjamin H. Byron from the

Among various other changes, the model now includes the means to overlay a taxonomy for types of services. It also specifies more sophisticated means of structuring data for precise queries on issues such as languages and hours of operation. There’s already some discussion about it in our community forum here.

This commences the final ‘Request for Comment’ period of this development cycle. For the next two weeks, we’ll field additional feedback about the spec. After the ‘Request for Comment’ period closes, we will do one last revision before publishing version 1.0 in early January. Then we’ll step back from it for the duration of next year, and see how it works in the field!

So now is the time for you (and/or your technically-minded colleagues) to get hands on and see how it fits. If you’re interested in testing out the specification and have any questions about how to get started, please leave a comment on this post!

Update: on Friday (12/5), we hosted a series of video discussions.

Here’s the discussion of HSDS v0.8, and the path to v1.0 and beyond.

Links to recordings of these chats are here:
Spec review discussion [48 min]
Orientation for newbies [gets started about 8 min in]
Ohana discussion [28 min; missed introduction to Ohana – but it was mostly just reviewing what’s in the Ohana ReadMe]

Notes from the conversations are here.

Please let us know you have any questions or suggestions! Thanks to all who’ve contributed feedback so far 🙂


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