Tag: DC

  • Evolving the DC Community Resource Information Exchange’s Inventory Capabilities

    Evolving the DC Community Resource Information Exchange’s Inventory Capabilities

    In the District of Columbia, we’re developing a new approach to the very old problem of resource directory information management. Years ago we shared the story of the first phase of our work here on this blog, and we’re now excited to share results from our second phase.  The DC Community Resource Information Exchange initiative…

  • Sunlight Foundation on local governments and the opening of social service data

    Sunlight Foundation on local governments and the opening of social service data

    Allegheny County’s Department of Human Services has long been known as one of the most innovative government agencies of its kind: their data infrastructure famously enables sharing of client information across a complex array of programs and powers analytic capabilities. As Ian Mavero started his role as their Chief Technology Officer, he took on the…

  • Making Complexity Friendly

    Last year, SIMLab completed a project [discussed previously on this blog] with DC Public Library (DCPL) to find out how the library could deliver and maintain good information on social services in DC. Funded by the Knight Foundation’s Prototype Fund, this project sparked a prolonged investigation into how the American social safety net is constructed. What…

  • First Resort: Building social services resources at DC Public Library

    First Resort: Building social services resources at DC Public Library

    [This is a guest post from Keith Porcaro of Social Impact Lab (SIMLab). SIMLab is partnering with the DC Public Library and the DC Open211 project on a project made possible by the Knight Foundation’s Prototype Fund.] Particularly for those on the wrong side of the digital divide, people often turn to the library for information…

  • A look inside the DC Open211 project

    A look inside the DC Open211 project

    Over at Code for DC’s blog, the DC Open211 team reports back from the kickoff of the ‘Rebuilding Re-entry’ social lab. At this event, a number of groups explored the various challenges facing people who return from prison — and one of the most prominent themes was the difficulty of finding reliable information about services that…

  • Developing a Visual Vocabulary for Open Referral

    Developing a Visual Vocabulary for Open Referral

    This may seem obvious, but it bears repeating: the community resource directory data problem is complex, and complex things can be hard to understand. During my work as lead organizer of the DC Open211 project, I’ve seen that there are so many people out there who want to find better ways to produce and share…