Tag: year in review

  • Our 2023 Year in Review

    Our 2023 Year in Review

    Open Referral is turning 10 years old! Along the way, we’ve already achieved the first part of our mission: establishing industry standards for resource directory data exchange, to ensure that it’s possible to share, find, and use information about the health, human, and social services available to people in need – regardless of what technology…

  • Our 2022 Year in Review

    Our 2022 Year in Review

    Our 2022 Year in Review report is now available to review! This annual practice of review and reflection is an opportunity for us to step back and assess our progress across multiple objectives as we work towards our shared goal: a future in which it’s easy to share, find, and use information about the resources…

  • Progress Report 2021-22: Highlights from our Network

    Progress Report 2021-22: Highlights from our Network

    I’m excited to share Open Referral’s Progress Report for 2021-2022. You can download the report as a PDF here, and view the document online here. (All of our reports are accessible here.) Unlike our usual Year in Review, this report really describes activity across a period of 18 months overall. This is 6 months later…

  • Open Referral’s 2020 Year in Review

    Open Referral’s 2020 Year in Review

    Amid the disruptions and crises of 2020, the Open Referral Initiative rallied to meet increasing and rapidly changing needs for improved flow of information about community resources. As our new year starts to take shape – with collective needs for collaboration still rising unabated – we’ve taken some time to reflect on our progress and accomplishments.…

  • Our 2019 Year in Review

    Our 2019 Year in Review

    As January 2020 comes to a close, I’m pleased to share our Year in Review report for Open Referral’s 2019. The report is available to download here. You can also read it embedded in this blog post below. This year, our report features voices of stakeholders across our network — including social workers and legal…

  • Open Referral’s 2018 Year in Review

    Open Referral’s 2018 Year in Review

    We are pleased to share our Year in Review report for 2018! This was the Open Referral Initiative’s fifth year – and in several ways, 2018 stands as a culmination of all the work we’ve done to date. Continue reading →

  • Our 2017 Year in Review

    Our 2017 Year in Review

    Happy new year! (We’re less than three weeks in, so we can still say that – right??) Open Referral’s 2017 Year in Review is available to read here, and embedded below. (See our previous year-in-review reports here in our public document gallery.) Continue reading →

  • Our 2016 Year in Review

    Our 2016 Year in Review

    I’m pleased to share Open Referral’s 2016 Year in Review. (You can browse the document here, download the complete PDF here, or skim through the document embedded at the end of this post.) Continue reading →

  • Annual Review wrap-up: the path ahead

    Annual Review wrap-up: the path ahead

    In 2014, we formed a table and conducted research. In 2015, we initiated action. In 2016, we’ll put these ideas to the test, and learn from our work. Based on your feedback so far, here’s what that might look like… (This note is far from a final word on the matter — please share your…