Tag: infrastructure

  • Miami Open211 Phase One: Our Report

    Last year, the Miami Open211 project set out to demonstrate that an information-and-referral helpline operator can evolve into an open platform — providing machine-readable data as a service to its community — in ways that are both technically efficient and institutionally sustainable. This project, which began in partnership with Switchboard of Miami, was Open Referral’s first formal pilot with…

  • The Open Referral API project

    The Open Referral Initiative’s next chapter starts now! Open Referral has helped over a dozen community organizations find new ways to share resource directory information about the health, human, and social services available to people in need. Our Human Services Data Specification provides a common ‘machine language’ that any technology can be programmed to understand.…

  • Data for Good Exchange: a new paper with an old concept

    In late September I had the privilege to discuss our work at the Data for Good Exchange, a symposium hosted by Bloomberg. As part of the event, I presented a paper which you can read here. Much of the paper recaps the thinking and work behind the Open Referral initiative to date…. Then, taking into…